Category Archives: States Affairs

10 Mar

SDPI Rajasthan Appeal to contribute Earthquake victims Relief fund

सोशल डेमोक्रेटिक पार्टी आॅफ इण्डिया के देशव्यापी अभियान के तहत पुरे राजस्थान प्रदेश में नेपाल पीडितो की सहायता के लिए 8.9.10 मई को पैदल मार्च निकाल कर सहायता राशि एकत्र की जाएगी। इसी कडी में एसडीपीआई की कोटा कार्यकारिणी की ...

10 Mar

Party owes to give prominence to Education, Health, Security and Employment in its Local Body Election manifesto

  कोटा दिंनांक 14 नवंबर 2014 सोशल डेमोक्रेटिक पार्टी आॅफ इण्डिया के पार्टी आॅफिस में प्रेस काॅन्फ्रेंस आयोजित कर प्रदेश अध्यक्ष मो0 शफी ने बताया कि ैक्च्प् ने राजस्थान के चार जिलो जयपुर, कोटा, चित्तौड, बारां में नगरीय निकाय चुनाव ...

10 Mar

SDPI got strengthened in the Gram Panchayat Elections in Karnataka

 Bangalore, June 06: Despite of the huge publicity dispensing rampant customary usage of money, wine distribution, muscle power and spreading of rumours by the Congress, BJP and JD(S) in the recently held gram panchayat elections in the state,SDPI with its ...

10 Mar

Cadres convention held recently in the Sangodh Vidhan Sabha of Rajasthan.

  SANGODH/RAJASTHAN:   A massive gathering was seen in the Cadres convention held recently in the Sangodh Vidhan Sabha of Rajasthan. State President Mohammed Shafi in his address highlighted the role youth need to play. Other prominent activists from Sangodh ...

10 Mar

SDPI Bihar State Committee launched Jan Adhikar Abhiyan Campaign

Purnia/BIHAR: Jan Adhikar Abhiyan, SDPI Bihar State Committee has launched the Campaign to make people aware of their fundamental rights in Purnia District. Rallies, corner meetings, carvans have been planned to be carried out across all the district headquarters of ...

10 Mar

SDPI Rajasthan paid tribute to the brave soldiers who lost their lives in Manipur terrorist attack

 मणिपुर में हुए उग्रवादी हमले में शहीद हुए जवानों को श्रृध्दांजली अर्पित की। कोटा, 5 जून 2015 सोशल डेमोक्रेटिक पार्टी आॅफ इण्डिया की कोटा इकाई की और से मणिपुर के चंदेल जिले में सेना के काफिले पर हुए उग्रवादी हमले ...

10 Mar

SDPI Sheopur Unit held RAIL ROKO agitation demanding rollback in railway price hike

پریس ریلیز  June21 مدھیہ پردیش ؍شوپور بی جے پی سرکار کی جانب سے ریل کرایہ میں 14 فیصد کی زبردست اضافہ کو لے کر سوشل ڈیموکریٹک پارٹی آف انڈیا ضلع شوپور یونٹ ،مدھیہ پردیش میں زبردست ناراضگی پائی جارہی ہے۔ ...

10 Mar

Communal polarization is aimed at securing votebank leads to disharmony in the society: Sadiq Qureshi

Nanded/Maharashtra SDPI Nanded District Committee has recently organized a Party Cadre Convention program. The convention was attended by the Cadres from different assemblies of Nanded, wherein there was a lecture about history of political parties delivered by the State President ...

10 Mar

SDPI Mumbai office inauguration

On the occasion of SDPI Mumbai office inauguration on14th June 2015, Mumbai District President Amzad Shaikh welcome to National and all state Leaders and party workers on the occasion on the inauguration function. The SDPI Mumbai Office was inaugurated by ...

10 Mar

Jaipur district comitte gives the memorendom to the collector jaipur for the reducing price of daily uses products and transportation fairs

Jaipur district comitte gives the memorendom to the collector jaipur for the reducing price of daily uses products and transportation fairs