Party Presidents

A Sayeed
Throwing light on the objectives of the party, Sayeed said that the objective of the party is to take power from the hands of the few and transfer to the people. The political power has to reach people at the grass roots and the common citizens must have their due share in the exercise of power. The SDPI thinks that change is not only necessary, but is inevitable and certain. Freedom is the birth right of all human beings and political power is the ladder to equally accessing it. In democracy, the forthcoming Lok Sabha election is an imminent opportunity for exercising your choice for a Hunger free India and a Fear free India, he added. He said that SDPI is a new movement with inclusive growth which has been formed for the uplift of the minorities, especially Muslims

E Abubakker
Abubacker said SDPI is the party of the century which would bring about change in the meaning of development by making people free from hunger, disease, poverty, illiteracy etc. which would be hallmark of real development.