New Delhi (Press Release, 16 October, 2022): India’s falling to 107, six points down from the previous rank in Global Hunger Index (GHI) is shocking and result of the pro-rich ruling BJP’s flawed economic policy. This was stated by Faisal Izzudheen, national secretary of Social Democratic Party of India in a press release. The statement came after the latest report, jointly prepared by Irish aid agency Concern Worldwide and German organisation Welt Hunger Hilfe, hit the headlines. Among the 121 countries included in the survey, India ranks 107, behind neighbouring countries such as Bangladesh and Nepal. The report has termed India’s hunger and malnutrition level as “serious.”

Earlier too, India had ranked low but this time it has gone even lower than the previous year’s rank of 101st which is a matter of grave national concern, Faisal Izzudheen said, adding that freedom from hunger remains one of the primary mottos of SDPI. The media-managed inflated growth rate is a hoax, because realities on the ground persistently expose the BJP’s flawed and anti-poor policies, he said.

Calling the poor GHI rank of India shocking and ominous, the SDPI leader demanded the government to make pro-poor policies and ensure to provide citizens with employment and at least two square meals a day.