Central Government Should Give Up Audacity and Withdraw The New Farm Laws– SDPIThe Supreme Court’s comment, while referring to the farmers protest, that “We do not think Centre is handling the issue correctly,” is a severe blow to the audacity and hubris of the central government. The apex court has suggested to put on hold the impugned Farm Laws and prepare the ground for negotiation to end the more than one-month long farmers agitation at the capital. The three Farm Laws recently passed by the central government without proper discussions in the parliament are detrimental the farmers and are intended to help the corporate giants to enter the agricultural produce market. This will end up in the farmers being pushed to sell their produces at the prices fixed by the corporate giants.The Central Government has been audacious and obdurate in responding positively to the genuine demand of the farmers to repeal the harmful laws. The agitation has passed 47 days, and the Union Government is mocking the farmers without heeding to their just demand. Social Democratic Party of India demands that the Central Government should abandon its audacity and temerity, and withdraw the harmful Farmer Laws immediately.
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