Bring Arnab Goswami to Justice and Ensure National Security is Not at Peril The recently leaked out WhatsApp chats of the pro-Modi Republic Channel chief Arnab Goswami raise serious questions about the way the Central Government is handling the national security related issues. It also exposes the ease with which a person outside the system is accessing the confidential information involving national security, using his clout with the bigshots in the government. The government seems to be pretending deaf and dumb about the leakage, as they have not responded to this serious issue so far. The incident shows that the bigmouthed patriotism-cries of the Sangh Parivar are just a mask to cover up its behind-the-curtain ruse to undermine the democratic and secular system of the country. The leaked chats between Goswamy and Partho Dasgupta, the former Chief of Broadcast Audience Research Council (BARC) disclose that Goswamy was aware of the Balkot Surgical Strike three days ahead of the operation. The fact of his knowledge about the strike proves that his claim about his clout with the prime minister and other top brasses in the government is not just bragging. This is a very serious matter as far as the security of the nation is concerned. Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI) is highly concerned and shocked about the incident. Security of the nation cannot be compromised and allowed to be used as a marketable commodity to fatten the underbelly of private individuals in the name of gathering TRP rating points. SDPI demands that serious actions should be initiated against Arnab and all those who have helped him to access confidential information from the government. MK FaizyNational PresidentSocial Democratic Party of India
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