Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s push for Uniform Civil Code in Bhopal the other day is itself, a well-planned ‘instigation’ as part of the ‘vote bank politics’ to quote his own words, targeting the 2024 election, stated MK Faizy, National President of the Social Democratic Party of India. Mr. Modi forgets that the beauty and soul of our country is its diversity, when he uses the ‘one house-two laws’ metaphor, said Faizy.
His repeated reference to the hardships of the Muslims, during his speech that pushed for UCC, is a shrewd strategy of creating a feeling that the Muslims are the only group that would be affected by Uniform Civil Code and they are the ones opposing it. The fact is otherwise. India, a country of diversity, is inhabited by numerous tribes and castes in addition to the followers of the major religions. Each tribe and caste, its sub-tribes and sub-castes, and the different religions follow their own culture, customs and rituals. They have been living peacefully in terms of their respective culture and customs since time immemorial. Any attempt to bring their cultures and customs under a single umbrella will disrupt the harmony and identity of these religious and cultural groups, and hence a uniform code per se is impractical and unrealistic.
The haste to bring Uniform Civil Code when many major issues like unemployment, price-hike, dipping GDP and value of the currency, rise in use of narcotics, etc., that affect the day-to-day life of the common man in the country are left unattended, is no doubt the act of those, as the prime minister has said “…ones who create divisions between Hindus and Muslims.”
Social Democratic Party of India plans to organise all democratic groups and strongly oppose any attempt to enact the unrealistic Uniform Civil Code, implementation of which will further stain the image of the country that started getting blotted since the BJP government came to power, before the world, said Faizy
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