New Delhi, 31st May 2021: SDPI National General Secretary Mohammad Shafi has condemned the irresponsible policies of the UP State Government in handling the pandemic crisis in the state.  He said the callousness and negligence of the Yogi led BJP Government has caused great losses of lives, livelihood and ecological well being in the state. The policies and attitude of the governance are at such a low that anyone can analyze the gravity of its danger.

A senior UP Government official has submitted his statement to the Secretary of Central Ministry of Jalshakthi in a meeting held recently that practice of dead bodies being dumped in rivers is prevalent in Uttar Pradesh. He said UP government was aware about this practice even before the reports of decomposed corpses floating in the river Ganga. Shafi said, despite knowing this facts the Yogi government has not taken any measures and not implemented any system to curb this dangerous practice during ongoing pandemic.

Shafi reiterated, floating of thousands of decomposed corpses and lackadaisical burial of dead bodies in the sands of banks of river Ganga has grabbed the attention of international media and the health and environmental experts who expressed great concern over the handling of the pandemic situation.  The dead bodies were thrown into the rivers in UP because of unbearable expenses of cremation by the poor people and also non availability of amenities like ambulances, crematoriums, etc.  This has led to huge impact on environment that polluted the rivers and ground water and created panic in the minds of public. The image of the nation has been tarnished globally due to this man made pathetic situation.

Shafi said, the Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has failed miserably in handling the pandemic calamity.  While hospitals were running without oxygen and ICU beds, the CM threatened the people of dire consequences if they report to the media or to public about the issues. Cases were imposed on to people who complained about the problems.  The rural folk and even in urban areas are still lacking the health facilities, ambulances, medicines and vaccines.  This pathetic situation of the UP state is the result of irresponsible and casual attitude of the UP Government in handling the pandemic crisis in particular and health sector in general.

Shafi said UP state government has to work responsibly without prejudice and callousness  to save the lives, livelihood of the people and environment of Uttar Pradesh.