The Social Democratic Party of India, (SDPI), has taken strong exception to a judgement wherein a judge in the Meghalaya High Court disposing of a petition relating to refusal of Domicile Certificate to an army recruit on December 11, 2018 observed “India since was divided on the basis of religion should have also been declared as a Hindu country but it remained as a secular country.”
Abdul Majeed, SDPI general secretary, in a statement has said that the above assertion by a judge is highly objectionable. India is a secular nation from the very beginning and it was made more clear with the 42nd Amendment of the Constitution in 1976.
Abdul Majeed said that as the observation of the said judge is against the spirit of the Constitution and demanded that the Supreme Court shall remove him from service.
He is very critical of the judge who showed faith in the Modi Government to protect India from becoming another Islamic country. The judge observed: “I make it clear that nobody should try to make India as another Islamic country, otherwise it will be a dooms day for India and the world. I am confident that only this Government under Shri Narendra Modiji will understand the gravity, and will do the needful as requested above and our Chief Minister Mamataji will support the national interest in all respect.”
Abdul Majeed questioned as to how a judge can take names of politicians heading governments of the day to emphasize his biased thoughts while delivering a judgement.
SDPI demand Removal Meghalaya High Court Judge from service for questioning India’s secular status
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