Terming the Bharathiya Janata Party-led National Democratic alliance as “opportunistic,” the Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI) has said that the party would take all-out efforts to thwart the “communal forces” from grabbing power after the Lok Sabha polls. Speaking to reporters here on Saturday, its State president K.K.S.M. Tehlan Baqawi said the electorate across the country would sideline the BJP-led combine as they were fully aware of these “opportunistic allies.”
If the communal forces were elected to power, they would divide the nation in the name of religion and its consequences would be unbearable. So, the SDPI would always support any move on forming a secular government at the Centre.
Moreover, every eligible voter should avoid accepting money for casting his or her vote since it would undermine the functioning of democracy, he said.
He said the party would support the cause of cleaning of the Tamirahbarani, the lifeline of southern districts, and urged to provide livelihood to thousands of unemployed youths.
Mr. Tehlan said the SDPI would welcome if the Jayalalithaa-led Government was prepared to increase the existing 3.5 per cent reservation for Muslims in education and employment.
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