Resolution No. 1

Failures of One year Modi Government

SDPI assesses that the government lead by Narendra Modi has totally failed to keep its promises of giving good governance during the last one year of its five year tenure. It has totally failed to contain communalism, criminalization and the exploitation of the weaker sections. The group violence has increased and justice is being denied to the minorities. The saffronization has raised its hydra heads and is openly challenging secularism and democracy of the country. The atmosphere of fear is gripping the mindset of the people and they are losing confidence in the rule of law. The government is being run on the tricks created during the foreign trips of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the media hype is diverting the attention from the real issues of the country. The minorities feel more unsafe and the denial of opportunities is increasing in the present state of the governments. SDPI calls upon the people to unite against the anti-people policies of the government.


Resolution No. 2

Failure of Traditional Opposition Parties


The politics prevalent in the country has led to a situation where the political parties including Congress, CPM and splinters of Janta fold have not been able to rise to the occasion to discharge their duties. They have adopted a reactionary mode of politics which has failed to deliver good to the common people who are being deprived of the fundamental rights and justice. SDPI feels it is the high time for the need of a new political alternative which will substitute the failures of those traditional opposition and opportunistic parties. SDPI will play a lead role as a political movement to liberate people from fear and hunger in free India.


Resolution No. 3

Land Bill

SDPI strongly opposes the pending bill on Land Acquisition which will result in takeover of tribal and agricultural lands by corporate. SDPI supports all the parties and organizations who are opposing tooth and nail the passage of the new law from becoming an Act.


Resolution No. 4

D’ voters and Border Issue

SDPI takes strong objection against the policy of the central government on the (Doubtful Voters) D’ Voters issue in Assam, while the citizenship is being granted to the Bangladesh Hindus on the religious ground, Muslims living in Assam and borders of West Bengal and Bangladesh are being excluded. This is fully discriminatory and in violation of the provisions of the Indian Constitution.


Resolution No. 5

BJP’s Pseudo stand on Muslim Reservation unmasked

SDPI strongly resents the move of the Maharashtra government by which the Reservation in Education granted to Muslims has been withdrawn. For the upliftment of Muslim minorities in this country, the Reservation in the education and employment was strongly recommended by so many committees, appointed by the successive governments. But, whenever the issue of Reservation comes to the fore, the BJP and its allies adopt an ambivalent attitude and indirectly oppose the implementation of the Recommendations. The attitude of the successive governments on Reservation issue invited the interference of the Judiciary also. The pseudo stand of BJP was unmasked with the recent enactment of 16% Reservation for Marathas by the Maharashtra State. Many commissions including the National Commission for Backward Class and State Commission for Backward Class, have rejected the recommendations of separate quota for Marathas since 1989 by pointing out that they are politically, socially and economically forward. However, the BJP government was able to provide separate quota for Marathas, by breaching the ceiling of 50% total reservation. The High Court upheld the Reservation for Backward Muslims on account of the findings given by the Mehmood Rahman Committee. But the BJP government allowed to lapse the Ordinance granting reservations to Muslims.


Also, Sdpi demands the reservation to Muslims in Central and State services as well as in education. The SDPI strongly demands that the Sachar Committee and Rangnath Mishra commission reports should be implemented without further delay.


Resolution No. 6

Electoral Reforms

SDPI feels that existing system of election has failed in India. This system gives a way to corruption, criminalization, inequality and dishonest or corrupt politics. So, SDPI demands that the existing system must be replaced with the proportionate system of representation (List System) by the government. SDPI calls upon all the like minded parties to make a movement to replace the electorate system in India.


Resolution No. 7


SDPI takes a note of the increasing communalism, casteism and violent groupism since the new government was formed at the centre. The rampant hate speeches and violent incidents of riots and bloodshed are growing day by day. The government has let loose the saffonites to create havoc and anarchy in the country. The situation is so grave that the murders in day light of Dalits, Muslims and minorities are being committed. The targeted and collective violence must be dealt with iron hand. So, the Communal Violence Bill of 2011 must be made a law to deal with the nefarious activities of the communalists.


Resolution No. 8

Wakf Properties

SDPI makes a strong demand for the Wakf Properties protection. This includes evacuating the forceful and illegal government occupation of Wakf properties to restore for its original cause. For that a special law needs to be enacted.


Resolution No. 9

Imperialism and Global Situation

SDPI feels that due to the uni-polar American hegemony, the tendencies of imperialism are trampling the sovereignty, freedom and culture of other countries across the world.


USA has established its military bases in ocean and strategic points all over the world, to threaten and use power to subdue other countries. This has created hopeless situation in the Arab world by putting its puppet governments there as happened recently in Egypt crushing the popular movement. The world has failed to give relief to the Palestinians and Rohingya Muslims who are suffering from all kind of inhuman acts.


Resolution No. 10


SDPI warns the government not to move head with the foreign direct investment in key industrial and public utility sectors. The principal of the welfare state envisioned in the directive principles of the constitution are thereby being ignored. The country is being handed over to the capitalists of multi-national companies by enlarging the cleavage between the rich and the poor.


Resolution No. 11

State Terrorism

SDPI again demands that the draconian laws including UAPA, AFSPA, MCOCA, etc. must be scrapped forthwith as these are anti-thesis to the spirit of the Constitution of India which fully guarantees the civil liberties of every citizen. The encounter killings are being covered up and promoted by those who rule the governments. Innocent persons are being kept in jail for years after years on mere suspicion without any credible evidence. No prosecution is held for those officials of governmental agencies showing false and fictitious recovery of large quantity of arms and ammunition, which cumulatively creates a situation of state terrorism. SDPI demands the release of all under-trials on bail as per the Supreme Court guidelines and give compensation to all prisoners whose innocence proved in the court.


Resolution No. 12

Beef Ban

SDPI takes a strong exception at the way the governments in some states are creating an atmosphere of provocation and hatred by enacting law to fix menu of the poor while disregarding their way of life. SDPI regards the right of every section of the society for having a choice for its menu. In the name of cow protection, the governments are provoking the sentiments and creating polarization in the society and also causing economic losses to the country.