Mumbai, 02 October 2016: SDPI Mumbai organized a public program at Malwani, Malad, Mumbai on the eve of Gandhi Jayanti, this Sunday. The event marked the launching of SDPI’s nationwide program named ‘Secular India Meet’ organized from 2nd to 8th October, 2016.
Through the program SDPI expressed its belief in the fact that ‘secularism is inevitable for the existence of our country’ and that the purpose of organizing these countrywide programs in the name of “Secular India Meet” is to save the nation from the clutches of communal and anti-secular elements.

Adv Sharfuddin SDPI Mum Secular India Meet Public Program 2 Oct 16 Malwani
SDPI national vice president, Adv. Sharfuddin Ahmed spoke about the current situation of India and the need to strengthen secularism for the unity and growth of our country. Other speakers who spoke on the topic were Amzad Shaikh SDPI Mumbai District President, Gurmeet Singh of Gurudwara Sacha Sauda Sahibji and Zeenat Siddique SDPI Mumbadevi Taluka President. The program was hosted by Amir Talukdar. Welcome address was delivered by Badruddin Chouhan SDPI Malad Taluka President. The program concluded with vote of thanks by SDPI South Central Mumabi President Saeed Choudhary.
Explaining in detail about the aims, objectives and need of ‘Secular India Meet’, Adv. Sharfuddin said that 2nd October is the birth anniversary of the father of nation Mahatma Gandhi, but its unfortunate that today his killers are being praised in RSS controlled BJP rule. There is utter chaos, mob rule, lawlessness and people are being divided on communal lines. There is a need to protect the democratic and secular values given to us by our constitution as these are currently under threat by communal and divisive forces lead by the RSS. He further added that people irrespective of religion, caste or gender should unite for peace and security of the country.

Secular India Meet Public Program 2 Oct 16 Malwani, Mumbai
Exposing the conspiracy and handiwork of RSS and its affiliates, Amzad Shaikh told that the RSS led BJP government is openly implementing pro RSS and anti people agenda. He warned the haters of constitution and secularism that SDPI will leave no stone unturned to oppose the evil efforts of enemies of nation. Zeenat Siddique stressed that our rights and freedom are pounced upon by the communal hoodlums supported by the government. Women being nearly half of the citizen population need to play a vital role in the protection and reconstruction of the country on the principles of democracy, equality and secularism. Gurmeet Singh of Gurudwara Sacha Sauda Sahibji held that the Lord of all religions is one God hence people of all faiths are a family and this is the very essence of secularism. He expressed the firm belief that we all Indians shall uphold secular values of the constitution and jointly defeat the communal forces.
The ‘Secular India Meet’ public program had immense effect on the public. It raised their morale and gave them the hope and spirit to fight back to save secularism and democratic values. This was imminent from the hordes of people rushing to the speakers after the program to congratulate and express their support to SDPI.
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