Adv. Sharfuddin Ahmad, the National Vice President of SDPI expressed serious concern about the Hon’ble Karnataka High Court’s verdict that shouting Jai Sriram inside the masjid is not outrageous. This highly erratic verdict disseminates an extremely hazardous message that would further contaminate the already rotten communal milieu in the country. The verdict will act as a dog whistle to the communally charged Hindutva extremists, stated Sharfuddin. While the criminal case against the accused was for shouting Jai Sriram inside a mosque, the query of the Court “it is un-understandable as to how if someone shouts ‘Jai Sriram’ it would outrage the religious feeling of any class” is twisting the fact. No doubt shouting ‘Jai Sriram’ or any such religious slogans or chants need not hurt anybody. But as the adage goes “your freedom ends where my nose begins,” and so when such activities are carried out encroaching on the places of worship of others, it becomes an outrageous criminal activity that attracts legal procedures. We have been witnessing the majoritarian instincts leaving imprints on evey section of society and a number of judicial pronouncements being under the influence of the principle of “satisfaction of collective conscience” shamefully sidelining the delivery of justice.The Hon’ble court may suo motu rectify this verdict so that communal harmony will not further get damaged in the country due to a court verdict, requested Adv. Sharfuddin Ahmad
Karnataka HC Verdict Might Serve as a Dog Whistle to the Fanatics
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