The latest statistics on Muslim representation who constitutes about 14.2% of the population, as per the 2011 Census, in the Parliament, various ministries and departments are the real portrayal of the victory of this Sangh Parivar agenda of removing Muslims from all fields of life, from employment to legislature, judiciary and executive.
* The present Lok Sabha (eighteenth) has the lowest share of Muslim MPs in six decades. Only ten States/UTs have at least one Muslim MP, that too with a steep decline in share in many.
* Totally, there are only 24 Muslim MPs (4.4%) in the Lok Sabha. This is a record-low number of Muslim MPs, which was higher (27) in the seventeenth Lok Sabha in which the BJP alliance had a brutal majority with 303 seats.
* Since 2022, the Union ministry has been fully devoid of Muslims.
* There are no Muslims among the 52 officials at the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), a first in history since this office was set up in 1977.
* Out of 11,131 officials from the secretary level downwards, the number of Muslims is 178 (1.6%) in the 54 Union ministries and 93 departments under their jurisdictions in New Delhi. This is history’s lowest-ever representation of Muslims in the Union governance levels.
* Six ministries, Coal, Earth Sciences, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Railways, Textiles, and Women and Child Development have a total of 506 officials without a single Muslim
The 11 departments, Space; Animal Husbandry and Dairying; Consumer Affairs; Ex-Servicemen Welfare; Military Affairs’ Investment and Public Asset Management; Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation; Legislative Affairs; Justice, Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances; and Sports. All these departments had a total of 476 officials have no Muslim officials in their ranks.
SDPI strongly believes that this downward ‘growth’ in the number of Muslim representation in various fields and sectors is the result of neglecting the remedial measures suggested by various government-appointed committees such as the Sachar Committee and the Post-Sachar Evaluation Committee, headed by Prof Amitabh Kundu, and the non-BJP political parties swimming with the tide of BJP’s anti-Muslim narrative and propaganda.
Ensuring proportional representation in every socio-politic-economic domain is the real remedy to overcome the lower representation of minorities in these fields, and SDPI demands that effective steps to implement proportional representation and the recommendations of the Sachar and Post Sachar Evaluation Committee, be initiated to end this discriminatory attitude towards the Muslim community.
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