BJP is Strangulating Democracy –


Legislature is the key pillar of democracy and Parliament is described as the sanctum sanctorum of democracy. It is in the parliament that the people’s voice is raised and issues of the nation discussed and solutions found out. Periodic sessions of parliament is meant to perform this duty. M. K. Faizy, National President of Social Democratic Party of India said that by deciding to postpone the winter session of the parliament, the ruling party, which is not much excited about democracy or ethics, is suffocating the name-sake democracy in the country to death.Faizy said, the Union Government embroiled in crisis following the ongoing resolute strike of the farmers in the capital is running away from the farmer issue being raised and discussed in the parliament.While elections and related campaigns are neither given up nor restricted due to the Covid19 pandemic, projecting the pandemic as the reason for postponing the session is nothing but a ridiculous ruse to fool the people.It is high time that sensible people woke up to defeat the Sangh parivar fascist rule in the country.