New Delhi, 21st Sep 2020: China has started intruding Indian Territory since the second half of April this year, and around 38,000 sq.kms of Indian land have now been occupied by China. India has already sacrificed 20 valuable lives of its soldiers in this issue. The central government, apart from its craven rhetoric’s and funny act of banning Chinese products has not taken any serious actions to protect the nation’s territory. It’s amidst this occupation of the Indian soil by China that Rajeev Sharma, a journalist associated with Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF), the sanghi think tank founded by the National Security Advisor Ajit Dovel was arrested along with a Chinese woman with classified documents of Indian defence in their possession. This makes one believe that arrest of Rajeev Sharma is just a tip of the iceberg and big sharks are behind him, stated KH Abdul Majeed, national general secretary of Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI).An impartial investigation and inquiry need to be conducted into the spying case to bring out the involvement of the big sharks. The sanghis peddle bigotry targeting a particular community alleging them of sedition and questioning their patriotism. However, all the culprits booked for spying for foreign countries so far have been from the so-called patriotic community, not from the community the sanghis implicate in sedition. Involvement of a person closely v associated with the Vivekananda Foundation a sanghi Think tank in handing out classified defence documents to China is alarming and it warrants stringent action to ensure the security of the nation. Patriotism, for sanghis, is just another jumla to cover their anti-national activities. Role of Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) in this spying issue should also be probed, as it was when the stand-off with China at Ladakh was at its peak, India availed a loan amounting to 9,202 crore from the Beijing-based multilateral development bank called the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).Silence or the very passive response of the opposition parties are the supporting factors for Modi and his team to engage in ruining the country. Unless the opposition parties give up their indolence, silence and passivity, the people of India may have to witness the peril of a beautiful country in the hands of RSS and sangh parivar, and so the non-BJP parties should wake up and come to the forefront to defeat the fascists and save the country, urged Abdul Majeed.
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