A. Sayeed, national president of Social Democratic Party of India, (SDPI), has given a clarion call to start a new political movement, a struggle for another freedom, together with all intellectuals from all walks of life under a common platform to defeat the forces of communalism to stop ‘Politics of Terrorism’.
Sayeed gave the call while delivering his presidential address during a discussion on ‘Politics of Terrorism’ held here in New Delhi on Thursday in the Eid Milan programme organised by SDPI. The SDPI would wholeheartedly welcome everyone to continue fighting for the cause to put an end to “Politics of Terrorism”
Sayeed said that the ruling class of India is following the path of British rule in the country of Divide and Rule Policy. The seeds sown by British have blossomed fully in the Independent India and political parties are making use of religious and caste divisions for their gains. Earlier British used the divisions for economic exploitation and strengthening of the rule. Now Indian politicians also are using it in a similar way for their own advantages, he added.
Continuing Sayeed said that Muslims who are being targeted in communal riots and the war of terrorism have to be brought out from the fear psychosis to give them relief so that they can also prosper like others in free India.
He said that the so-called fight against terrorism is only a tool in the hands of criminals to cover the robbery and corruption, they do not care about any principle or ideology. It is important to note that corruption and misuse of power are growing in India parallel to the so-called fight against terrorism. Terrorism is widely used by Indian politicians, administration and media. This political tool of terrorism has been hired from America. Several incidents and experiences have proved that elements like ISI, Indian Mujahideen, LeT, CIA, Mosad, Israel, America are only a single team which plans, operates, investigate, trial and punish in the name of terrorism. Muslim community is demoralized, dehumanized and socially excluded by way of this conspiracy.
Hafiz Manzoor Ali Khan, vice president of SDPI, in his welcome address at the outset said right from its foundation the SDPI has been struggling for the rights of the oppressed. He explained that on the occasion of Eid Milan programme the party is holding discussion on “Politics of Terrorism” to remember those innocent Muslim youths who have languishing in jails illegally for years even without trial in some cases.
E. Abubacker, the former president of SDPI, said the importance of Eid, the festival celebrated with the utmost happiness, has turned out to be a total disastrous for Muslims of the country for last several years. The community is suffering from terrible pain even during the festive seasons as hundreds and thousands of innocent Muslims have been jailed by targeting them under the fake cases of terrorism. Why am I in jail? This is the question raised by the illegally detained victims who are languishing in jails for long to which the secular and intellectuals of the nation do not have a convincing answer. The true happiness could surely be realized when we together hold the rope of unity and wage war against the anti-national, anti-humanity elements strengthening themselves under the siege of corrupt & communal politics.
He said “We do stand with the hundreds and thousands of families of the falsely fabricated victims.”
Adv. Sharfuddin, general secretary of SDPI, who made a thought provoking speech on ‘Politics of Terrorism’, said that
terrorism is born out of injustices perpetuated by the group who holds reign of power over the down-trodden. The caste-based terrorism is very ancient in India wherein the upper caste terrifies the lower caste people into submission and treats them inhumanly way.
Maulana Mufti Mohammad Mukarram, said that the state terrorism must be condemned in very strong words. He called for a coordinated struggle against politics of terrorism in league with secular minded people of all parties.
Dr Zafarul Islam, President AIMMM [All India Muslim Majlis-e-Mushawarat], said that RSS & BJP are in the forefront organizations functioning by exerting all their efforts to terrorize the people of the nation. Various surveys conducted worldwide and even in India have pronounced that the Muslims in India have nothing to do with the terrorist activities. But why is that there are a number of terrorist attacks at different religious places? Surely, we have discovered that they were systematically carried out by the killers of Gandhi, he remarked.
He appealed Muslims not to ever misutilize their votes. “Do not vote Congress ever! Forget the BJP. It’s the Congress which is playing all the spoilt politics. It’s the Congress which is pointing at Modi and frightening Muslims to gain their votes and continue their vote bank politics”, he said.
Moulana Ansar Raza, Chairman of Ghareeb Nawaz Foundation, demanded that a committee should be formed to look into the working and progress of committees appointed by each incoming Prime Minister to oversee the Muslims problems.
He said: “I suspect that the Congress has bribed BJP to pose Modi as a communal figure and frighten Muslims so that the community turns towards Congress, like ever and vote it to power. Muslims are not going to get frightened by Modi or such extremist communal elements. Surely the community will come up with its own strength to counter the “Politics of terrorism”.
M. A. Kazmi, a Senior Journalist, said: “We should study and understand the conspiracies being framed by the anti-people governments. Different communities are frightened either by luring or instilling fear in them and play the vote bank politics. Most often the people get frightened of the communal violence. We all should come forward united to fight against the purpose that the anti-people governments are functioning to harass”.
Prof. P. Koya – Chief Editor, Thejas Daily Malayalam said: “We should be aware of a deep system of security agencies which are controlling public opinion, Parliament, State legislative assemblies and even judiciary to undermine democratic values in the country”.
Prof. Koya stressed that we should come together while forgetting about petty political advantages to fight against such security agencies which are undermining democracy in the country.
Tasleem Rehmani, Secretary, Welfare Party of India, wondered that shouldn’t we take a note of Congress which is leading in promoting communalism during its rule? Isn’t the Congress creating an environment and instilling fear among Muslims? The intellectuals among Muslims should understand that it’s the Congress which has been playing the vote bank politics by terrorizing the Muslim community.
Tej Singh – President, Ambedkar Samajwadi Party, said that 4500 years ago Hindus started terrorism over lower caste people and Dalits. Only 10-12 per cent of Brahmins, Chhattris and Vaishs are Hindus who are unfortunately controlling power. He called for an alliance between Muslims and Dalits, who are in majority in the country, to empower them politically to wrest power.
Moulana Usman Baig said that it’s the negative politics that has been played by all the political parties which ruled the country. Muslims should indulge in positive politics.
S Q R Iliyas, National general secretary of Welfare of Party of India, said that Muslims should stop complaining about all the oppression? Ilyas said that corporate media in collaboration with the government is keeping Muslims away from centres of power. The UPA 1 and UPA in its more than nine years rule has hiked prices of petrol 16 times but no one is raising any voice about it. He called upon Muslims to take on the forces working against them as a challenge. Bring awareness at large and let the people be aware.
E M Abdul Rehman, Former Chairman of Popular Front of India also spoke on the occasion.
The SDPI Leaders who participated in the event (seen from left):
- Afsar Pasha, National General Secretary
- Hafiz Manzoor Ali Khan, National Vice President
- A Sayeed, National President
- E Abu Backer, Former President, SDPI
- Bhai Tej Singh, National President, Ambedkar Samajwadi Party
- Adv. Sharfuddin, National General Secretary
Some of the dignitaries participated in the event:
- Mufti Mukarram Sahab
- Mohammed A Qazmi, Sr Jounalist
- P Koya – Chief Editor, Thejas Malayalam Daily
- E M Abdul Rehman, Former Chairman of Popular Front of India
- Dr Zafarul Islam – President All India Muslim Majlis-e-Mushawarat
- Ramanuj Kumar – President, Backward Association
- Moulana Ansar Raza – Chairman, Gharib Nawaz Foundation
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