Condemning the act of toppling the Puduchery Govt. by misuse of power and by way of horse trading : SDPI
Social Democratic Party of India registers it’s strong condemnation over the toppling of Puduchery Congress Govt. by the Central BJP Govt. by misusing the power and by way of horse trading.The Central Govt. ruled by BJP is indulging in toppling and destabilizing the State Governments ruled by non-BJP parties who were democratically elected by the people. The BJP Central Govt. had been utilising it’s appointed Governors of the states to interfere even into the states’ day today affairs and duties and to disable State Governments functions by misusing of their powers. Apart from that BJP Central Govt. is encouraging the MLAs of states ruled by it’s opposition parties either to jump over to the other side by luring with favours or compelling them to resign by misuse of power so as to enable the Governments to lose their majority by way of horse trading in undemocratic way.The horse trading politics which was applied in Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh is again carried on successfully in Puduchery to destabilize Congress Govt. The ugly practice of horse trading politics is an undemocratic tool used by BJP clearly indicates it’s greed towards power.Previously the Central BJP Govt. had already created hurdles through it’s Lieutenant Governor, Mrs. Kiran Bedi to the Govt. of Puduchery not to implement it’s plans and the benefit of plans not to reach the people. The non- BJP ruled state Governments which were democratically elected by the people were not allowed to run smoothly by the State Governors on the behest of BJP Central Govt. as well in Puduchery also destabilize the Govt. by encouraging horse trading is nothing but the murder of Democracy by BJP Central Govt.In 2017, after the elections held in the states of Goa and Meghalaya, though being Congress the largest party in the Assembly short to majority, BJP legislative parties with less numbers were invited to form the Governments by the respective Governors in undemocratic way by encouraging horse trading by misusing power and favour in overnight time.The people of India had put trust upon the Congress and it’s allies against the communal policies of BJP. Thus the jumping of MPs and MLAs of opposition parties to BJP side by way of horse trading and joining hands with fascist BJP might cause no confidence of people on secular opposition parties. Apart from it, the people might lose hope on Democracy.From PM Modi to his all ministers are boasting that their Government is totally free from corruption. But what they are very much indulged in capturing power by undemocratic cross way, intimidating the opposition parties and Democracy, cancelling corruption cases by luring money are not less than any biggest corruptions of this Govt.Therefore, a strong opposing voice should be raised against the Central BJP Govt. towards making State Governors as their puppets and destabilizing opposition parties State Governments elected by the people and making Democracy a mockery and ridiculous and acting against federal structure of Governance and murder of Democracy. Not only Congress, but also the opposition parties across the country and also BJP allies should come forward to realise the seriousness of this undemocratic ugly practice of BJP and to recover the hope of Democracy of people from the terrible hands of BJP.Issued byDehlan BaqwiNational Vice PresidentSDPI
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