How SDPI is different?
How SDPI is different?
India irrevocably chose to be a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic. The principles of supremacy of parliament, federalism, independent judiciary, impartial bureaucracy and welfare state were made the main features. Guarantee of the fundamental rights of citizenry, equality, justice and fraternity is also enshrined in our constitution. Persons born beyond upper strata of castes hierarchy as well as minorities particularly Muslims have been deprived of the privileges, entitlements and dignity but whenever leadership succeeded to emerge under the movements of social justice in the weaker sections, that also promoted discriminatory policies by acts of omissions and commissions and now every tenet of the constitution is being shamelessly compromised by all the big and small political parties of every hue. The sovereignty of the country is under dangers from foreign powers and foreign capital. India is made take decisions against her interest by super power. The concept of welfare state has been left aside and capitalism dictate terms to run the government every day widening cleavage between increasing lots of billionaires and poor persons lacking basic necessities ‘Roti , Kapada aur Makan’ , even pushing them to desperation to commit suicide. Secular state has been painted by the religiosity and rituals of saffron zealots self claiming a position being above the law. The country is being denied the tight to punish the culprits of collective and communal violence why innocents are been killed in fake encounters and languishing in jails. Draconian laws are imposed snatching fundamental rights. The election system has been tailored to favour only the mighty and moneyed persons. Constitution bestowed equal rights on every citizen to elect and be elected but the corrupt politics cut the right of ordinary and poor citizens only to an half by only to elect and not to be elected & not being able to bear expenses of election. Leadership of the political parties is autocratic in decisions as being run by a person, family or caste, giving no dissenting right to any of the members. Some parties are run by remote control of other organizations, beyond the jurisdiction of election law and even loan their functionaries to occupy main executive posts, making mockery of the democracy of the country. Political parties have lost the vision and have turned pro- rich and anti- poor, brimming with corruption. All of them are identical, divisive and parochial, surviving on hate- mongering and caste- affiliations and regionalism. All the parties in a voice recently supported the exclusion from right to information Act and criminal accountability that exposes their undemocratic and non- transparent mind- set.
India, to democratise and survive, need a national alternative in politics to strengthen its being as democratic, secular and socialist country so that application of the provisions of the constitution in true prospective of the rule of law, honour and dignity of human beings, equality and justice to the powerless may be ensured.
SDPI positively fills the vacuum of a national political party, based on noble principles, honest leadership and constructive programmes, strictly following the principles.
- SDPI is an all India Party with inclusive vision and country wide structure to unite and integrate all sections and regions of the country.
- SDPI depend on collective decisions rejecting the practice of one person or coterie leadership, thriving on internal democracy where no office bearer or candidate is nominated by leadership giving way to the members of the respective unit or constituency.
- SDPI is a socio-political movement and keeps the workers active and involved in the matters of public importance even beyond the election periods in service of the needy and poor.
- SDPI is a cadre- based party that prepare members from grass roots to assume leadership to tackle the challenges by developing constructive approach to understand the issues and strive.
- SDPI seek change into political system of the country in accordance with the mandate of the constitution to ensure equality, justice and fraternity to the weakest persons irrespective of birth, caste, colour, community or region.
SDPI is a cadre based party, where in cadres are our back bone. The organizational structure of the party has cadres and members at the base. 25 cadres form a branch committee. The hierarchy then leads to the ward, assembly constituency, district, the state and national committees at each level. The main policy making body of the party is its national working committee lead by the National President and its Secretariat.
SDPI’s Commitment
SDPI is committed to the freedom from hunger and fear, to remove all kind of injustice and discriminations, restore equal rights to minorities, backwards, Tribal’s and Dalits, sanitize electoral system, democratize the society and also to form a truly representative government.